Sunday, 18 September 2011

ALL SET FOR TENT LONDON, London Design Festival 2011!

I'm typing this with my eyes closed and a shaking hand from exhaustion
mixed with too much caffeine :/

Heading off to London on Tuesday for my first exhibition trade show as SurfacePhilia! After 2 months of pretty much 15 hour days and kissing goodbye to any kind of weekend down time... I cant wait to get to Tent London and get this ball rolling (and possibly also regain some kind of normal existance where by I could maybe sit and watch a film,... not drag my dog around the block for a 20mph walk,... answer texts, return friendly calls and generally not look like Uncle Fester) 

So! From Thursday 22nd Sept I will be stood with a fixed smile at Stand No: L06 Hall: T3 Tent London, The Truman Brewery on Brick Lane, as part of London Design Festival. Come and say HI!! And maybe bring me some chocolate and coffee and I will love you forever.